Associations – plant & garden related (UK)


updated Nov 2020

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Plant societies & associations
Gardening societies & associations
Coldwater fishkeeping associations
Conservation societies & associations
Fundraising gardening associations

1. Plant societies & associations

Alpine Garden Society

Botanical Society of the British Isles

British Cactus & Succulent Society

British Clematis Society

British Conifer Society

British Fuchsia Society

British Gladiolus Society

British Hosta & Hemerocallis Society

British Iris Society

British National Carnation Society

British Orchid Council

British Pteridological Society – ferns

British Streptocarpus Society

British Trees – The Woodland Trust’s guide to identifying native trees (and some common non-native trees)

Brogdale Collections – home of the National Fruit Collection

Carnivorous Plant Society

Common Ground – for links between social culture and the environment incl. National Apple Day (Oct 21st)

The Cottage Garden Society

Cyclamen Society

Daffodil Society

Delphinium Society

Epiphyte Society

European Bamboo Society

European Boxwood & Topiary Society

Hardy Orchid Society

Hardy Plant Society

Haworthia Society

Heather Society

Hebe Society

Herb Society

Himalayan Plant Association – includes seed exchange.

Lily Group of the RHS

Mammillaria Society

Maple Society

Meconopsis Group

National Auricula & Primula Society

National Begonia Society

National Chrysanthemum Society

National Dahlia Society

National Society for the Conservation of Plants & Gardens (NCCPG) – see Plant Heritage.

National Sweet Pea Society

National Vegetable Society

National Viola & Pansy Society

Nerine & Amaryllid Society

Pelargonium and Geranium Society

Peony Society

Plant Heritage – National Society for the Conservation of Plants & Gardens (NCCPG) – establishes National Collections of plants

Royal National Rose Society

Saxifrage Society

Sedum Society

Sino-Himalayan Plant Association – see Himalayan Plant Association

Tree Register of the British Isles – notable and ancient trees of Britain and Ireland

Wakefield and North of England Tulip Society

Wild Flower Society – plant identification for plant spotters and conservationists

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Gardening societies & associations

Biodynamic Agricultural Association – concerned with food production, including in gardens.

Bonsai Kai

Carry on Gardening – tips on gardening for those finding gardening difficult due to age, illness or disability

Federation of British Bonsai Societies

Garden Organic – the renamed Henry Doubleday Research Association (HDRA)

Gardening for the Disabled Trust – advice and grants for those finding gardening difficult due to age, accident or disability.

The Green Roof Centre

Hedgeline – legal solutions to high hedge problems

Learning through Landscapes – encouraging schools to improve their grounds

National Society of Allotment & Leisure Gardeners

Mediterranean Garden Society

Permaculture Society

Royal Horticultural Society

Thrive – using gardening for positive change in the lives of those disabled and disadvantaged.

Women’s Farm & Garden Association – training, support and a voice for women in agriculture and horticulture

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Fishkeeping associations

Association of Midland Goldfish Keepers (AMGK) – Coventry based, but wider membership.

British Koi Keepers Society

Federation of British Aquatic Societies – includes coldwater pondkeepers, and koi keepers. Contact them for information about a group near you.

Goldfish Society of Great Britain

Ilford and District Aquarists and Pondkeepers Society

Midland Koi Association

Northern Goldfish and Pondkeepers Society – Manchester based, but wider membership.

South East Koi Club – based in Kent, UK

South of England Koi Chapter – not restricted to the south though.

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Conservation societies & associations

Association of Gardens Trusts

Botanic Gardens Conservation International

Bumblebee Conservation Trust

Butterfly Conservation

CADW – historic parks and gardens in Wales

The Civic Trust – this link shows who has taken over the Civic Trust pressure group’s programmes since the Trust folded in 2009.

Common Ground – for links between social culture and the environment incl. National Apple Day (Oct 21st)

The Conservation Volunteers (TCV)

Council for the Protection of Rural England

English Heritage – historic parks and gardens in England

Natural England – the re-named English Nature, which itself was the re-named Nature Conservancy

Environment & Heritage Service, Northern Ireland – historic parks and gardens, nature conservation in Northern Ireland

Friends of the Earth

Garden History Society

Global Trees Campaign

Historic Gardens Foundation

Historic Roses Group

Historic Scotland – historic parks and gardens in Scotland

International Dendrology Society Study and conservation of trees and shrubs.

International Tree Foundation

International Water Lily and Water Gardening Society

Japanese Garden Society

Linking Environment and Farming (LEAF)

National Society for the Conservation of Plants & Gardens (NCCPG) – see Plant Heritage

National Trust – England, N. Ireland, Wales

National Trust for Scotland

Plant Heritage – National Society for the Conservation of Plants & Gardens (NCCPG) – establishes National Collections of plants

Plantlife International – wild plants

Royal Society for the Protection of Birds

Shropshire Apple Trust – promoting traditional orchards and apple cultivars

Soil Association – for sustainable, organic, food production

Tree Council – working for trees

Wild Flower Society – plant identification for plant spotters and conservationists

Woodland Trust – a conservation group

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Fundraising gardening associations

Greenfingers Charity – the gardening industry’s charity

National Gardens Scheme – organisers of gardens open to the public and listed in their Yellow Book

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